
The Derbyshire Ornithological Society Policy on Rarities


  • If anyone believes they have found a rare bird it is their responsibility (having regard to "the Code of Conduct for Birdwatchers") to decide to whom, if anyone, the information is released. However, the Society would like to encourage the reporting of all potential rarities to the Recorders.
  • It is respectfully pointed out that it is not a function of the Society to decide to whom information should be released; and because of this, members are requested not to pressurise officers into fulfilling that function. Members of the Society do not have an automatic right to have information of this nature revealed to them.
  • If the species is a non-breeder the Recorders will be pleased to give advice to the informant about access to the site or any other matters. They will always respect requests for confidentiality and leave the ultimate decision on the release of details to the informant, but will generally advise the informant that, provided they are satisfied that no detriment will be caused to the site or to the bird's welfare, there is no need for information about the presence of the species to be with-held.
  • If the species is breeding, or might conceivably breed, information will not be divulged by the Recorders to anyone, unless there is a need to consider protection measures, in which case the appropriate persons will be consulted (providing the informant agrees). If a protection scheme is undertaken there will be a need to widen the knowledge of the event (with the informant's permission) but it will still be the aim to restrict the knowledge of the event to the minimum of people. The only addition to this is, that if the bird is at a locality frequently visited by other specific birdwatchers, the Recorders may tell such persons (with the informant's permission) and ask them to maintain secrecy.
It is impossible for the Society to prevent individuals taking action which is not in accordance with the Society's Rules, although termination of membership may be considered if the Rules are persistently broken.