
Bird News

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28 September 2024


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September 2024 highlights

A summer plumaged Black-throated Diver circled Carsington Water for ten minutes before departing high SW at 1030 on the 11th. After the strong winds of the 23rd 24th, a Manx Shearwater was picked up in Derby and Gannets were seen at Wirksworth (one picked up from a garden on the 23rd) and at Carsington Water on the 24th, where an adult spent a couple of hours flying around before leaving.

A Black-necked Grebe was found at Pleasley Colliery on the 29th, and incredibly four Arctic Skuas were seen during the month, with a bird at Ogston Reservoir on the 5th, two (!!) over an observer's garden in Chaddesden flying SW on the 11th, and a dark phase bird north through Carr Vale on the 27th, which was a new bird for the Carr Vale list. Late news emerged of a Red-backed Shrike at Over Haddon on the 13th, which was photographed but never seen again. A Firecrest was at Bennerley Marsh on the 26th.

Scarce birds this month included a Garganey at Carr Vale until the 9th, and then it, or another, on the 24th. The pair of Ruddy Shelduck continued to be seen at Barrow GP to the 8th at least, and the male Red-crested Pochard remained at Carsington Water all month. A Little Stint graced Pleasley Pit on the 7th, with a Spotted Redshank through Carsington Water on the 13th. Two Sandwich Terns were at Carr Vale on the 5th, with another at Ogston Reservoir also on the 5th. Cattle Egret were seen in the Trent Valley sites of High Bridge GP and Willington GP.

A White-tailed Eagle from the Isle of Wight reintroduction scheme was seen over Carsington Water on the 14th. A superb adult Sabine's Gull was found at Foremark Reservoir on the 24th for a short while before departing SW. As Yellow-browed Warbler hit the east coast, there were records a few reaching Derbyshire too, with a bird at Breadsall on the 22nd, and then Highoredish on the 28th.

Steve Thorpe